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About Hayley

Hayley is 24 years old and lives in PA

Hayley is a 17 year old girl who has gone through a lot in her life. Throughout it all she has remained both positive and caring. As a result of family challenges, Hayley has had to grow into a very mature teen. Hayley lives with her dad, her older brother and younger sisters, who she acts as an additional parental figure for. Hayley has been matched for over 7 years to her Big Sister, Justine. Justine has been a significant support to Hayley over the years, and encourages her to reach for the stars. She is a senior in high school and has been working hard with her little free time to get into college for next year. In addition to being a student Hayley holds a part-time job to help support her family. She has big dreams of one day being a lawyer and is very excited at what her future may hold.