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About Jameelah

Jameelah is 33 years old and lives in WI

Jameelah was in the foster care system in Wisconsin and is currently an undergraduate sophomore majoring in Political Science and minoring in Global Studies & Arabic at the University of Wisconsin. Her desire to advocate for youth is shown through her actions, as she states: “I just want Foster Youth to have a fighting chance at success.” This type of passion is exactly what the Foster Youth Internship (FYI) Program® strives for. The FYI Program is a highly esteemed ten-week congressional internship for young adults who spent their formative years in the foster care system. As part of the program, Jameelah will participate in networking events with leaders in the business community and child welfare advocates who represent a wide variety of policy and non-policy related disciplines. She will also meet with legislators to discuss important issues that youth in foster care face and their shared vision for bringing about change in this area. At the conclusion of the program, Jameelah will author a policy report of recommendations on improving the federal foster care system. This report will be presented at a Congressional briefing and a briefing to the White House Domestic Policy Council, as well as disseminated across the country.