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About Tanasia

Tanasia is 28 years old and lives in NJ

Tanasia is a single mother of 4 young children. Tanasia has great support from her grandmother, who is currently taking care of her 2 oldest daughters. Although her children currently do not live with Tanasia, she gets to see them weekly and is in contact with them daily. She is extremely consistent with being a part of their lives as much as possible. The bond that Tanasia has with her daughters and son is very warm and loving. Tanasia has recently obtained stable, long-term housing after a period of being homeless. She is currently in the process of starting from scratch to obtain furniture and personal belongings for her new apartment. Tanasia’s big dream is to become a nurse one day. Right now, she has been having challenges obtaining part-time employment. In person, Tanasia is very kind and caring. She is working towards obtaining a steady income for her household to be able to meet her basic needs and take care of her children.