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About Leo

Leo is 9 years old and lives in TX

Leo came into my home after living in shelters, motels and on the street. He was living with his father and younger sister in a motel when he was taken into foster care a short time ago. Leo's mother does not live with them, having had her parental rights terminated due to drug use. The family has had a long history with CPS for abuse and neglect of Leo and his sister. He talks about his future with passion; about wanting to make good choices so he does not have to be like his parents who made bad choices. He talks about him going to college to get a good job and have a home so he does not have to live on the streets. Leo is very intelligent. He does well in school with good grades. He is very active and he must always have a toy to play with in his hands. He is very anxious. He likes dinosaurs. He states "I know everything to know about dinosaurs". He also likes to take apart things and rebuild them. He says he would like to have lego building sets and dinosaur puzzles for Christmas. He stated he really would like to have a couple set of Wonder Gears to build his on community. He saw another child with this building system and said "I wish I could have one like that more than anything".