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About Ollie

Ollie is 32 years old and lives in NV

Ollie spent 9 years in foster care, from age 9 to 18. During that time she dealt with the heartache that comes from losing a parent and was primarily placed in therapeutic foster homes. As she entered her adolescent years, she chose to age out of care and during her senior year of high school was accepted into an Independent Living Program. She is now preparing to graduate from the University of Nevada, Reno in December 2020 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and plans to start Graduate School in the Spring of 2021 to start her Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Ollie’s ultimate goal is to work in Operations, Policy, or Administration within Victim Services or Anti-Trafficking, whether in the courts or the Nonprofit sector. She hopes to be able to change how the criminal justice system provides assistance to victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking.