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About Ra’Niyah

Ra’Niyah is 15 years old and lives in NE

Ra’Niyah has been in foster care for nearly 14 months. She’s been in 2 family placements, but ultimately was placed with her current family. Unfortunately, in April when moved to her current family she came with her sister, but her 3 brothers were placed in a different home. This was hard for her, because she had never been away from them before, and COVID-19 made it even more difficult, because it prevented in person visits. She is a caretaker by nature, and has had to learn to be a child again, rather than the parental figure. Ra’Niyah has a dream of being an entrepreneur. She wants to own her own slime and lip gloss shop. She’s into dancing, Tik Tok, slime, and lip gloss. She’s proud of her family and her siblings.