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About This Wish

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An amazing experience for Violet at Universal Studios Orlando

Posted Apr 19, 2024
Violet would be thrilled to have the opportunity to spend a day at Universal Studios Orlando, where she could enjoy the amusement park and buy a souvenir that would remind her of her favorite Dr. Seuss stories, such as The Lorax. She would love to see Truffula trees up close and maybe even try some green eggs and ham! Spending time with her resource family at the park would be a great bonding experience, and they could enjoy the rides and attractions together, including One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. A souvenir that she's able to choose herself will serve as a lasting reminder of her exciting day out and all the fun memories they shared.

Violet is 4 years old and lives in OH

Violet is a happy kid who loves the Cat in the Hat and all things Dr Seuss.

The Wish Story

SAFY-Specialized alternatives for family and youth requests this wish for Violet.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Violet! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY) for Violet.

Violet receives the wish from Specialized Alternatives for Families and Youth (SAFY)

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