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Mama Roo swing for Izzy to help soothe him while he struggles with health issues

Posted Jun 3, 2024
Izzy is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, feeding difficulties, and tummy issues due to being exposed to substances. His foster family is hoping to get him a Mama Roo swing because it's the only brand that provides him with soothing comfort while at the clinic. The swing needs to be able to place Izzy in various positions and have the flexibility to move forward to back, or side to side. Since Izzy is small, the swing will be suitable for him for many months. The family hopes that rocking Izzy in this swing after feedings will help alleviate his indigestion issues and gas pains, and reduce the amount he spits up. Izzy deserves to be comfortable, and the family is optimistic about getting him the swing he needs.

Izzy is 9 months old and lives in AZ

Izzy hasn't had the best start to life. He has been placed in a loving foster home that is giving him all the love, attention, and medical care he needs, but due to the substances he was exposed to in utero, he is having a hard time adapting to life outside of the womb. He is slowly gaining weight but is still struggling to master the art of bottle-feeding, and has some tummy issues. He is happy when he is comfortable, otherwise, it can be difficult to soothe him. His foster family is hopeful that with time, he will gain the skills and health to overcome these obstacles and eventually live a normal life.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Izzy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Izzy! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Izzy.

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services receives the wish!

"Izzy is loving his new swing! Thank you so much for granting his request. He is comforted by the movement and motion, helping him be happier and calmer. "

Izzy receives the wish from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services

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