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About Mia

Mia is 16 years old and lives in OH

Mia is a kind young woman with a bright personality and desire to help others. She is resilient and advocates for herself, while being respectful and considerate to those around her. Mia is very smart, and currently working toward straight As in school, as she wants to attend the career center to pursue her dream of becoming a vet tech. Mia is a social butterfly who loves spending time with her friends, but also loves to relax at home, spending time with her best friend, Morphy the cat. Mia has a dry sense of humor, and is always making people laugh with her wit. Mia is a creative thinker, who has a keen sense of style and is interested in fashion. Mia enjoys playing complex video games that allow her to strengthen her sense of logic, problem solving, and creativity. Mia has strong personality, is curious and adventurous, and open to trying new things and developing new hobbies. Mia has a gentle soul that allows her to connect easily with others, and she is a good friend. Mia is responsible and rarely gets in trouble. Mia is the oldest of two children, and has historically had to act as a caregiver for her younger brother. Mia is a thoughtful and spirited young woman, who is determined to succeed and thrive.