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About Talazia

Talazia is 22 years old and lives in NJ

Talazia has been a joy to work with. She is very determined to get a job and an apartment so she can regain full custody of her 2-year-old son. She has been on several job interviews in the past months, but she has not found employment, But she keeps a positive attitude. She stays confident and positive. She has a 2-year-old son whom she loves very dearly, and she is determined to give him a better life. But at this time, she knows she is not in a position to be able to fully take care of him. She recently passed her driver's exam to obtain her driver's permit. She also has volunteered to meet with our Therapist to help with her mental health. She is doing an outstanding job of improving her mental health concerns. She is determined to succeed and is on her way to doing big things in her life. Her goal is to get a job at a Day Care Center.