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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Holiday Food for Anna who is injured and not able to cook

Posted Dec 16, 2022
Anna had a very serious accident this fall, which left her right hand completely unusable. She is not able to cook and so will need to buy prepared foods over the holiday break when the dining services on her campus are closed. Of course, pre-made foods are more expensive, so money is very very tight. She is wishing for a card to Target where she is able to by the most affordable pre-made foods like soups and frozen dinners.

Anna is 22 years old and lives in CA

Anna spent her childhood bouncing in and out of foster care, until she reached the age where she could break out on her own, and she sure has! She is now in her third year of liberal studies at a 4-year university. Anna is working hard to succeed in her studies. Although a bit shy at first, Anna has a great sense of humor and a warm interpersonal style. She is an active and collaborative member of her University's foster community. She is grateful for the support of One Simple Wish!

The Wish Story

UC Riverside Guardian Scholars requests this wish for Anna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Anna! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Howdy! Happy holidays! I hope you're able to get some easy and delicious food from target. You rock!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the UC Riverside Guardian Scholars for Anna.

Anna receives the wish from UC Riverside - Guardian Scholars Program

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