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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Fun Lego kit for Zay who is autistic and loves to build

Posted Dec 21, 2022
Zay LOVES legos. He loves to spend the time and put them together. He loves the expert sets because the other sets he says are to easy. He would be beyond excited to be able to open up a Star Wars expert set for Christmas. If he could, he would always be playing with legos. This lego set has almost 2,000 pieces and he will love spending hours putting it together, and seeing it on display.

Zay is 21 years old and lives in NJ

Zay works really hard and is so kind and polite. Zay has autism and often struggles with social cues. He loves taking apart and putting together computers. He is in a small classroom and struggles to make friends. He usually stays at his foster home in his free time to tinker on computers or play video games.

The Wish Story

Terry grants the wish for Zay! Thanks Terry.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Family Services for Zay.

Zay receives the wish from Oaks Integrated Care

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