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About This Wish

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A Camera for Jashyah who wants to become a YouTuber

Posted Apr 5, 2023
Jashyah is a writer who enjoys creating poetry. She would like to start a YouTube channel to help broadcast her work as well as give advice to other youth who may be going through similar circumstances as her. Jashyah is a very loving and kind individual who is always thinking about others and this gift would assist her in reaching her dreams.

Jashyah is 17 years old and lives in NJ

Jashyah is an outgoing and nice young woman. She has hobbies such as writing stories and poetry. She also volunteers at her local church every week in which she cleans the church and feeds the poor. Jashyah aspires to join the military one day and serve her country.

The Wish Story

Community Access Unlimited requests this wish for Jashyah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Give Now, Grant Later 22-23 grants the wish for Jashyah! Thanks Give Now, Grant Later 22-23.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Community Access Unlimited for Jashyah.

Jashyah receives the wish from Community Access Unlimited

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