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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

New Basketball Shoes for Trinity to wear

Posted Apr 7, 2023
Trinity loves to play basketball and soccer. She is a good athlete as well as a great student in school. Trinity wants to try out for the high school basketball team in the Fall but now she plays at the local YMCA. She loves going to practice and has a ton of fun at her games too! She would love these awesome basketball shoes in her favorite color, green!

Trinity is 17 years old and lives in VA

Trinity is a talented and amazing young lady who is currently residing in a foster home. Trinity loves music and poetry and has written several songs. She makes very good grades in school and has been on the honor roll for the past two school years. Trinity hopes to one day be reunited with her parents.

The Wish Story

Chesapeake Human Services requests this wish for Trinity.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Trinity! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Good Luck with your try outs, Trinity! My sons are huge basketball fans and played since they were little. I’m sure your talent will shine brighter than the shoes but a new pair of kicks can’t hurt"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Chesapeake Department of Human Services for Trinity.

Trinity receives the gift from Chesapeake Department of Human Services!

"Thank you for the shoes"

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