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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A Bike for Bethany to ride with her neighborhood friends

Posted Apr 25, 2023
Bethany would like a bike to be able to ride with her friends! Recently. she just learned how to ride and has been hooked! She would love to be able to ride after school and spend time hanging out with her friends all summer long!

Bethany is 13 years old and lives in OH

Bethany is a very artistic child. She is very sweet, however, she can be very shy in new situations. Bethany is newly placed in this foster home and is still adjusting to the new placement. However, she really enjoys spending time with her foster family. Bethany enjoys being creative and spending time doing activities with her foster family.

The Wish Story

Focus on Youth, Inc. requests this wish for Bethany.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Bethany! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Bethany, I am so excited to be able to help you get your "wheels' to ride with your friends! Have a wonderful time.. Best to you, Trudy"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Bethany.

Focus on Youth, Inc. receives the wish!

Bethany receives the gift from Focus on Youth, Inc.!

"Thank you so very much for this amazing gift. Beth has talked about getting her own bike non-stop for weeks, she will be thrilled!"

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