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Female empowerment book for Candie who is joining a book club

Posted Jul 26, 2023
Candie and her friends are at an age where they are starting to have romantic relationships, however, they are struggling with being hyper-focused on boys. This book discusses feminist concepts based around existing outside of the male gaze, forming strong bonds with friends as a priority, and developing healthy self-concepts. Candie and 3 of her friends in our mentorship program would greatly benefit from being able to do this book club!

Candie is 14 years old and lives in CO

Candie is a joyful young teen who enjoys spending time with her foster family and her school friends. She also likes to draw and create art. She has created some amazing masterpieces!

The Wish Story

Youth Advocate Programs, Inc requests this wish for Candie.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Candie! Thanks Awesome Human.

"We love to read, too! Enjoy book club with your friends. Best wishes! Sydney and Ari (and their mom), AZ"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Youth Advocate Programs, Inc for Candie.

Candie receives the gift from Youth Advocate Programs, Inc!

"Thank you so much for helping Candie got this book! She is really excited about the gift, and is going to get so much benefit out of it!"

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