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A hair appointment to re-twist Kyle's dreadlocks for the new school year

Posted Aug 14, 2023
Kyle is feeling very self-conscious about his dreadlocks. He hasn't had them fixed up since the beginning of this year. The locks are starting to break off. He wants to have his hair redone and look good for the start of his senior year.

Kyle is 19 years old and lives in FL

Kyle is in the extended foster care program and has just moved into a shared apartment with some other aged-out youth. Despite the challenges he's faced, Kyle remains hopeful and optimistic. Kyle's journey in foster care began when he was just 14 years old. His aunt was no longer able to care for him, and unfortunately, his parents have never been a part of his life. He spent the rest of his teenage years in a group home until he turned 18. Now, he's excited to be living with other foster youth who understand what he's been through. When he's not studying or working, Kyle loves to stay active by playing basketball, football, and boxing. He also enjoys staying connected with friends via Facetime and unwinding with some video games. Despite the challenges he's faced, Kyle's positive attitude and love for life are truly inspiring!

The Wish Story

Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County requests this wish for Kyle.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for Kyle.

"Hi Kyle, I hope the re-twist and your refreshed look alleviates any self doubt you may have. Best of luck in your senior year! Take care of yourself"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County for Kyle.

Kyle receives the gift from Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County!

"Thank you so much for granting this wish for Kyle! He was thrilled when he found out. He is so excited to get his hair done. We appreciate you!"

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