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A large gel pen set for Jolleen who loves to journal

Posted Aug 17, 2023
Jolleen loves to journal. Jolleen is tired of writing in pencil or blue and black ink and would love some gel pens to make her journal entries more exciting. This set comes with 160 gel pens for Jolleen to choose from and even includes some glitter pens. Her journals would be so colorful and sparkly, which would make her happy.

Jolleen is 12 years old and lives in WA

Jolleen is very creative. She enjoys writing and crafting. She loves to read and spend time with her friends. Jolleen loves animals a lot. She likes spending time outdoors, going to the beach, or on nature walks.

The Wish Story

Department of Children Youth and Families requests this wish for Jolleen.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jolleen! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Always sparkle!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Department of Children Youth and Families for Jolleen.

Department of Children Youth and Families receives the wish!

Jolleen receives the gift from Department of Children Youth and Families!

"Thank you, Awesome Human, for granting Jolleen's wish. She is so excited to be able to choose different colors to use in her journals. "

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