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Finding peace on the ocean with Manny's first surfboard

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Manny would like a new surfboard to use during beach camps so the camps can use surfboards for other kids and no one is left out. Surfing makes Manny feel like himself and happy. Manny likes the ocean and loves learning about ocean animals. He's also very athletic so surfing is a natural activity. After surfing Manny feels at peace, which is a hard feeling for him to find with other activities.

Emmanuel is 11 years old and lives in CA

Emmanuel is an extremely special young guy. He has begun to grow and thrive during the past several years since his adoption. He has overcome many challenges including missing his biological parents, the difficulties of foster care and healing from his past. He faces each day with optimism and is always looking for a way to have fun. Emmanuel aka Manny, is extremely athletic and has tried several different sports. His favorites are surfing, baseball and flag football. He is passionate about the ocean, animals, and soft/cuddly blankets. Manny is extremely generous and gives anything he has to show he appreciates someone. For example, last year he worked really hard on shining up a jar and putting rocks and toys inside the jar, then gave it to his teacher. He also is very creative. He designed and created personalized bookmarks that he sells and gives away.

The Wish Story

Urban Surf 4 Kids requests this wish for Emmanuel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Alison grants the wish for Emmanuel! Thanks Alison.

"Hey Manny! We also love the beach - salt water and sun :) We hope you love the surfboard. Let it rip!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban Surf 4 Kids for Emmanuel.

Emmanuel receives the wish from Urban Surf 4 Kids

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