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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Legos for Liam to help him reduce his stress

Posted Aug 21, 2023
Liam really enjoys playing with Legos! They are calming for him, and building helps reduce his stress and structure his free time. Liam takes pride in being able to accomplish new things, and his creativity with Legos helps improve his self-confidence. He would really love to build this special Lego Minecraft fortress!

Liam is 10 years old and lives in CA

Liam is a special kid. He's had multiple foster home placements, and despite all that he has gone through, he continues to be resilient. Liam enjoys sports, especially soccer, and baseball - where he is starting to excel. Liam also is working hard in school. Liam is sensitive; he often smiles and is thankful for the opportunities he is provided with and the support he receives from his foster mother. Liam has a lot of energy and enjoys helping others. He likes to try new things and enjoys playing and building with Legos.

The Wish Story

Urban Surf 4 Kids requests this wish for Liam.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Hunter grants the wish for Liam! Thanks Hunter.

"Hope you get a great Lego kit, Liam! I loved my Legos growing up. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Urban Surf 4 Kids for Liam.

Liam receives the gift from Urban Surf 4 Kids!

"Thank you for granting Liam his Lego wish. He's been in our programs for over 3 years and is truly such a sweet boy who has overcome so much. He will be so excited to receive his gift this weekend!"

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