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A mountain bike for Salem to go exploring

Posted Aug 25, 2023
Salem recently moved to a new town and is hoping to connect with peers and make new friends. Having a bike to ride would help them be able to explore their new town and meet other kids. Salem's new home is just a few blocks from school and it would be great to ride a new bike there once classes resume in September!

McKenna is 15 years old and lives in MO

McKenna, who prefers to be called Salem, is a bright teen who is hurting and angry about the recent events and betrayals in their life. Salem is very artistic and expresses feelings with charisma and humor. They are afraid of being hurt again, but remain warm-hearted have a soft spot for animals, and enjoy caring for them.

The Wish Story

Missouri Department of Social Services requests this wish for McKenna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Simon grants the wish for McKenna! Thanks Simon.

"Hi Salem, enjoy exploring your new town, and ride safely!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Missouri Department of Social Services for McKenna.

McKenna receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - Boone County

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