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Kings Island Gold Pass for Bethany to spend quality time with her friends and family

Posted Sep 28, 2023
Bethany is a very well-behaved 12-year-old girl. Bethany can benefit from this pass in so many more ways than one. Bethany can spend the day with her friends at Kings Island which could be very good for her as she is relatively new to her area. She could also be given the chance to make new friends as big groups often go to Kings Island together. The Gold Pass for Kings Island lets Bethany do more than attend the normal theme park. With this pass, Bethany will be able to have unlimited access to the Kings Island waterpark and the many themed nights they offer. From roller coasters to games to water slides, there are so many things at Kings Island that Bethany would be able to do at Kings Island with the company of her friends and family that will build even stronger bonds and trust.

Bethany is 13 years old and lives in OH

Bethany is a very artistic child. She is very sweet, however, she can be very shy in new situations. Bethany is newly placed in this foster home and is still adjusting to the new placement. However, she really enjoys spending time with her foster family. Bethany enjoys being creative and spending time doing activities with her foster family.

The Wish Story

Focus on Youth, Inc. requests this wish for Bethany.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Bethany! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Focus on Youth, Inc. for Bethany.

Focus on Youth, Inc. receives the wish!

Bethany receives the gift from Focus on Youth, Inc.!

"Bethany received her pass and is excited to use it for the year! "

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