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Sneakers for Troy who's going to kindergarten this year

Posted Sep 6, 2023
Troy needs a new pair of sneakers for the upcoming school year. Unfortunately, Troy's mother isn't able to buy them at the moment. Troy is very excited to join the big kids and go to kindergarten. Showing off a new pair of sneakers will be icing on the cake!

Troy is 7 years old and lives in NJ

Troy loves to play video games and ride his bicycle. His favorite subject in school is reading. He wants his mother to read him a bedtime story every night. He enjoys hiking with his friends and going to the beach when the weather permits.

The Wish Story

Trenton Housing Authority requests this wish for Troy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Troy! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Trenton Housing Authority for Troy.

Troy receives the wish from Trenton Housing Authority

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