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Colorful playmats for Andrew to improve his large motor skills

Posted Sep 15, 2023
Andrew's mobility is improving, but he still struggles with rigidity and stiffness. The PT feels that squishy mats will motivate him and meet his sensory needs with the fun textures of the play mats. He has a birthday coming up and his foster mom is looking forward to seeing his reaction to the bright colors and bubbles!

Andrew is 1 year old and lives in CO

Andrew has been in foster care since birth and is thriving in his placement with the help of PT and OT. He is the happiest boy and his smile lights up a room. Some of his favorite things are books, colorful toys, and anything that spins. He is rarely upset and can generally be redirected with a fun toy or hug.

The Wish Story

Courage Community Foster Care requests this wish for Andrew.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Katharine grants the wish for Andrew! Thanks Katharine.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Courage Community Foster Care for Andrew.

Courage Community Foster Care receives the wish!

Andrew receives the gift from Courage Community Foster Care !

"Thank you so much for fulfilling Andrew's bday wish! He is loving the colorful mats that he can touch, crawl and explore. Your generosity is appreciated! Courage Community Foster Care"

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