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Cool sensory strips for Leonard to open this Christmas morning.

Posted Oct 16, 2023
Leonard sometimes struggles with a bit of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed. These cool sensory strips are helpful in keeping people grounded, and when he feels anxious or fidgety he can feel the texture and follow the patterns. It will be a cool gift to find in his stocking this year.

Leonard is 8 years old and lives in OH

Leonard is a very protective big brother. Despite his young age, he does his best to take care of his siblings, especially when their mom isn't available. He tends to get a little anxious when they have to be separated for school or other activities. Leonard loves to play games and is always happy to let others take the first turn, showing his caring nature and fun-loving spirit.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Leonard.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Leonard! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you enjoy your gift!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Leonard.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

Leonard receives the gift from Therapeutic Interagency Program !

"Thank you! Leonard is going to get a lot of use out of these sensory strips."

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