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Graphics card for Quincy so he is able to finish building his PC

Posted Oct 20, 2023
Quincy has always wanted to build a PC for gaming, and it has taken him nearly a year to assemble the required parts. However, it's just the most important part that he can't afford which is a graphics card in order to complete his PC. Quincy's birthday is coming up at the end of October and receiving a graphics card would be the most perfect birthday gift for him to celebrate his special day.

Quincy is 24 years old and lives in CA

Quincy is a former foster youth who has aged out of foster care extended services for former foster youth in 2023. Quincy stated that while he was in the system, he faced multiple challenges that created barriers while aging out. He likes to go fishing, play video games in his free time, and learn about cars. He plans to learn a trade focused on something he enjoys, and his favorite car brand is Mercedes Benz. He hopes to acquire the knowledge and experience to strive for greatness.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Quincy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Quincy! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy birthday Quincy! I hope you know that you are valued and capable of anything you put your mind to. I hope the final pieces come together on your build and you're able to slay all the dragons (or whatever you see fit) with it. Get some! Aloha to you from me and my family. -M"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Quincy.

Quincy receives the wish from Think of Us

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