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Owlet Dream Sock for Levi to be monitored at all times

Posted Nov 28, 2023
Levi loves his sleep! An owlet dream sock would allow him to get peaceful sleep while giving his caregivers peace of mind. This will serve him for months and months to come!

Levi is 1 year old and lives in NC

Levi is the sweetest, snuggliest boy. He has the brightest blue eyes and loves to watch the world around him. He loves nothing more than to be held and loved on. His entrance into the world was tough, but his future is so bright!

The Wish Story

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina requests this wish for Levi.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Levi! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina for Levi.

Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina receives the wish!

Levi receives the gift from Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina!

"Thank you so much!!!"

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