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A Lamborghini LEGO Kit for Josiah who loves to build

Posted Dec 1, 2023
Josiah is a great inventor and builder! He loves to spend time crafting new things. He also loves cars. A LEGO Lamborghini Build Kit will help him fill the cold days with fun. He will also feel like he fits in with his peers and give him social opportunities.

Josiah is 12 years old and lives in MO

Josiah is a very loving and caring child. He loves being around and helping others. He also loves animals. He has a unique and authentic, one-of-a-kind personality, but he fits in well. He is an active boy who loves to invent new things with recycled materials. He recently built a time machine to take us back to any time we wanted to visit! He is going to do great things in life!

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association requests this wish for Josiah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Josiah! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Josiah: happy holidays. I am so happy to get this Lego set for you because I am Italian, I love fast cars and I am huge fan of Lego. I hope you will enjoy building it and playing with it. Sending love from San Diego, CA"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association for Josiah.

Josiah receives the gift from Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association !

"Thank you for granting this wish and making the holidays magical!"

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