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A slim table for Carmyn and her family to sit and eat dinner

Posted Jan 11, 2024
Carmyn and her sister recently moved in with her grandmother. Carmyn has asked for a new table for her grandmother's house. The house is small, and this slim table will be perfect for them. Carmyn is so excited about the idea of sitting down for dinner together with her family. Carmyn hopes that this wish will be granted so they can be more comfortable in their home. Carmyn will be so happy for her family to sit around the table for dinner!

Carmyn is 16 years old and lives in OH

Carmyn is a great young lady who lost her mother to a car accident a few years ago. She has been staying with her grandmother along with her sister. She is also struggling with depression and anxiety. Even in these circumstances she is still attending school, getting great grades, taking care of her sister, and playing on the basketball team. She is a strong young woman.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Services requests this wish for Carmyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Johannes grants the wish for Carmyn! Thanks Johannes.

"Enjoy your meals together as a family at the new table"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral Services for Carmyn.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Services receives the wish!

Carmyn receives the gift from Kindred Spirit Behavioral Services !

"Thank you so much!! "

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