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About This Wish

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A laptop for Ryan who has a bright future

Posted Jan 22, 2024
Ryan is such a hard-working young man. He is hoping to get a Macbook Air and has picked out the specific laptop that he wants. He has been saving for a while and is over halfway there! His wish is for a gift card to help him achieve his goal and purchase the computer of his dreams! He is taking college classes and has an amazing internship with a local photographer. She's been teaching him skills using software specific to the Mac. He would love to learn more and expand on the knowledge that she is providing him. A Macbook is a long-term investment for Ryan, and he doesn't want to settle for less than the best. He knows this laptop will help him succeed in his courses, internship, and bright future after college. It will be such an amazing experience for Ryan to walk into the store and buy the perfect laptop. He would be so happy if someone could help him out, and make his dream come true!

Ryan is 23 years old and lives in AZ

Ryan has been a child welfare advocate, consultant, and author with lived experiences from Arizona’s foster care system and as an adoptee from his home country of Ukraine. While in Arizona, Ryan has previously served as President and Vice President of the Arizona Department of Child Safety’s (DCS) Youth Empowerment Council, where he met with DCS leadership and young people with lived experiences to improve DCS' policies, advocate for state-level legislation, and bring many need changes to Arizona's child welfare system. He went on to be appointed and served as a Commissioner on the City of Phoenix Youth and Education Commission and the Governor's Council on Child Safety and Family Empowerment. Ryan continues to devote his professional and lived experiences from the U.S. foster care system in various ways as a delegate with the National Foster Youth Institute, a federal National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) reviewer with the U.S. Children’s Bureau, spokesperson with AdoptUSKids, and a Young Adult Consultant with the U.S. Children's Bureau. Ryan is pursuing a degree in Political Science as a Nina Mason Pulliam Legacy and AFFCF Scholar. He plans to continue his studies to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Public Service and Public Policy with a concentration on social service delivery. In his free time, he loves traveling, spending time with family and friends, and roller-skating.

The Wish Story

Watch Me Rise requests this wish for Ryan.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Ryan! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Watch Me Rise for Ryan.

Ryan receives the wish from Watch Me Rise

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