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Youth Theater Classes for Maria to pursue her passion

Posted Jan 23, 2024
Maria found a sense of belonging and happiness when she took a theater class. However, after transferring to her new school, she no longer has access to theater classes. She is hoping to participate in youth theater classes at the local civic theater to continue pursuing her passion. As everything is new to Maria, she has limited options for having fun and being a kid. Joining the theater classes will not only help her build a community but also develop her passion. Currently, Maria has received a 75% scholarship for these classes, so her support team is working to fund the remaining balance. to build community and foment her newly discovered passion. Maria has received a 75% scholarship for these classes, so this wish will help cover the remaining balance needed for her to enroll in her new classes.

Maria is 14 years old and lives in IN

Maria is a bubbly, outgoing young woman who has shown resiliency during a stormy and trying year. She shows a lot of courage every day by diving head-first into new schools and trying out new elective classes. Maria decided to step out of her comfort zone and try theater class. She is so glad she tried theater because it makes her feel joy and excitement, and like she has finally found a community where she belongs. Besides theater, Maria enjoys Magnatiles, helping her mother cook, crafts, and the Mocha Cookie Crumble from Starbucks!

The Wish Story

Court Appointed Special Advocate Program of St. Joe County requests this wish for Maria.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Maria! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Maria, I hope you enjoy theater classes! You're so much braver then me. Keep following your passion and joy!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program of St. Joe County for Maria.

Maria receives the wish from CASA IN - St. Joseph County

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