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A pair of shoes for Devonte to pick out for his birthday

Posted Mar 18, 2024
Devonte loves to look nice and wants to buy himself some new shoes! With having so many siblings he wasn't able to get a new pair for Christmas, and he is in desperate need of a refresh. He would be extremely happy to get to go to the Nike store and pick out a new pair of shoes.

Donte is 17 years old and lives in OH

Donte is an amazing young man who loves to play basketball with his younger siblings and housemates. He is the oldest of 10 children on his mother's side. Donte is a very smart youth and loves math in school it is the most important subject in school to him. Donte loves his younger siblings more than anything in the world and can't wait to be reunited with them all. He just lost his youngest sibling this month and wants something really special to cheer him up for his birthday.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Donte! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Happy Birthday!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Donte.

Donte receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch

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