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A cube organizer for Zoe's book collection

Posted May 8, 2024
Zoe is a huge book lover. She has a big stack of books that she doesn't want to get rid of but has nowhere to put them. Her wish is to have a special shelf just for the books that she loves the most. She chose this one so that it could fit right underneath her window sill. Let's make Zoe's space cozier and get her a place for her books!

Zoe is 19 years old and lives in CA

Zoe loves KPop and Kdramas. She is majoring in computer science and is a full time student. Zoe really enjoys participating in robotics club in school in school and is really into programming.

The Wish Story

Awakening Giantz requests this wish for Zoe.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Zoe! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Zoe, I love books too! I wish you all the best in school. I grew up without many resources and got a scholarship to study engineering. It was hard, but it changed my life. I wish you all the best with your computer science degree. Keep at it, even when it's tough, and it will pay off. I'll be rooting for you! :) Patti "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Awakening Giantz for Zoe.

Zoe receives the gift from Awakening Giantz!

"Thank you for granting this with for her, She always has a book on her and we are happy to see her have a home for them."

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