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Baby Brezza formula mixer for Aishanae who is balancing school and work

Posted Jun 20, 2024
Aishanae is a mother of two and is currently awaiting the arrival of her second child. It is important for her to have a baby at this time since she will be a single mother, and she has heard how it can make a lot of moms' lives easier. She has so much going on with trying to maintain both school and work. Having this wish granted will be helpful because she has no support and is on her own. Fulfilling this wish will help her nights go by as smoothly as possible.

Aishanae is 25 years old and lives in CA

Aishanae is a young, intelligent woman and a mother of two. Her favorite thing to do is spend time with her son. She is most proud of graduating from high school. There was a point in her life where she almost gave up because she was overwhelmed with everything she was going through. However, when she found out she was pregnant, she became determined to strive for a better life for herself and her baby. Despite the challenges of growing up in foster care and facing difficulties in school, she is on a journey to complete her education and be the best mom she can be, ensuring that her kids have opportunities that they didn't have.

The Wish Story

Foster Nation requests this wish for Aishanae.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Aishanae! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Nation for Aishanae.

Aishanae receives the wish from Foster Nation

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