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About This Wish

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An Xbox for Craig so he can connect with friends through gaming

Posted Jun 27, 2024
Craig is a young man who struggles with low self-esteem, which often keeps him from socializing outside his home. He finds solace and connection through playing video games and has made some really good friends in the gaming community. His current Xbox is outdated, and it would mean the world to him to have a new one. Being able to connect with his friends through gaming brings him a sense of joy and belonging, and getting a new Xbox would be an incredibly meaningful and uplifting gesture for him, given the challenges he has faced in his life. Craig will be thrilled to get a new gaming system, allowing him to play newer games and continue connecting with others.

Craig is 14 years old and lives in NJ

Craig enjoys playing video games with his friends. However, he struggles with making friends due to traumatic events in his life. He is the youngest sibling in his family and the only boy. His older siblings are all adults and do not share the same interests as Craig. Craig is unsure of what he wants to do in the future or where he wants to be, but he is certain that he has a passion for video games. It is where he is most social, according to his family, and thrives. He is a genuinely nice young man but very quiet and keeps to himself.

The Wish Story

NJ DCFS - Cape May County requests this wish for Craig.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Craig! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NJ DCFS - Cape May County for Craig.

Craig receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Cape May County

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