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College supplies for Kim so that she is prepared for her first year

Posted Aug 13, 2024
Kim is starting her first year of college this fall and is excited to begin her educational journey at the local community college. She has declared a Biology major and is registered for five courses, including Chemistry lab and lecture. She needs notebooks, folders, pens, highlighters, and flashcards to ensure adequate preparation for a successful semester.

Kim is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Kim is such a kind, considerate, and positive person. Kim likes to get involved in church and community events, and she's also really passionate about playing tennis. Kim loves spending time with her family, especially her siblings since she's the youngest of four.

The Wish Story

Multicultural Community Services, Inc. requests this wish for Kim.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Cheryl grants the wish for Kim! Thanks Cheryl.

"Best of luck to you as you begin your college adventure, Kim. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, work hard, and your dreams will soon come true! Don't forget to have some fun at college, too, because that's an important part of the college life! A Michigan Mom"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Multicultural Community Services, Inc. for Kim.

Multicultural Community Services, Inc. receives the wish!

"Thank you for granting college supplies for Kim so that she is prepared for her first year; it's greatly appreciated1"

Kim receives the wish from Multicultural Community Services, Inc.

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