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Gymnastic leotards for Annabelle who recently started lessons

Posted Sep 13, 2024
Annabelle has come a long way in overcoming obstacles. She recently started gymnastics lessons to help with her motor skills and as an energy outlet, and she is loving it! Annabelle enjoys tumbling, walking the balance beam, and trying new things. She wants a "real leotard" so she can look like Simone Biles.

Annabelle is 3 years old and lives in AZ

Annabelle is a happy little girl. She likes animals and is learning all the animal sounds. Annabelle is working hard to be more independent, her vocabulary is slowly growing, and she is trying new foods. Anabelle has a long journey ahead of her but is a brilliant and determined little girl.

The Wish Story

Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services requests this wish for Annabelle.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

John grants the wish for Annabelle! Thanks John.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services for Annabelle.

Annabelle receives the wish from Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services

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