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Souvenirs for Kayson to bring home momentos from Disney

Posted Oct 31, 2024
Kayson’s foster family is excitedly planning a magical trip to Disney for Christmas this year. Eager to make the most of the experience, Kayson has expressed a wish for a Disney gift card, which would allow him to purchase cherished souvenirs during their adventure. With three other children in the family, this thoughtful gift would not only help ease the financial burden of the vacation but also ensure that Kayson has an unforgettable time filled with joy. Kayson has a particular fondness for Mickey Mouse and the enchanting world of Toy Story, making this trip even more special for him as he dreams of meeting his beloved characters and collecting mementos from the happiest place on earth. This would make Kayson's Christmas complete.

Kayson is 5 years old and lives in WV

Kayson is a foster child with 3 other siblings in the home. Kayson is four years old. Kayson loves preschool. Kayson loves playing with Legos. Kayson doesn't know a stranger. Kayson loves sports and is very active. Kayson is very sweet and loveable child.

The Wish Story

Diversified Assessment and Therapy Services requests this wish for Kayson.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Parberger Family Fund grants the wish for Kayson! Thanks Parberger Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Diversified Assessment and Therapy Services for Kayson.

Kayson receives the wish from Diversified Assessment and Therapy Services

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