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An Xbox for Christopher who likes to imagine himself as a gamer

Posted Jan 7, 2025
Christopher is presently saving a portion of his allowance and requesting “jobs” from his caregiver to eventually purchase a gaming system. Christopher enjoys watching games on YouTube, imagining that he is playing himself. The console will also enable him to share the gaming experience with his siblings, allowing them to enjoy physical activity games like dancing and educational titles together. Christopher's enthusiasm for gaming goes beyond mere entertainment; it's a gateway to creativity and learning. By saving diligently, he is not only working towards a tangible goal but also developing skills in financial responsibility and patience. The anticipation of owning an Xbox fills him with excitement as he imagines the joy of exploring new virtual worlds and the laughter shared with his siblings. Together, they can embark on adventures that challenge their minds and bodies, fostering a sense of teamwork and cooperation. Christopher's journey is a testament to the power of dreams and the determination needed to achieve them, showing that with effort and perseverance, anything is possible.

Christopher is 10 years old and lives in CA

Christopher has been in the agency for five years. He is the oldest of three siblings. He has demonstrated he can make the best of any situation he has been in and will attempt to see things in a positive aspect. Christopher is easy going and articulate. He likes things to be done a specific way. He communicates his needs and will often express himself if something bothers him. He is currently working on saving part of his allowance and asking the caregiver for “jobs” to eventually buy himself a switch. The child expresses his gratitude to his caregiver and has expressed he feels stable and safe at his current placement. Christopher will watch switch games on YouTube and pretend he is playing a Nintendo switch.