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A Folding Treadmill for Pam who is working on her health

Posted Jan 21, 2021
With the start of the New Year, Pam has decided to recommit to her health goals. Since the start of the pandemic, it has been challenging for Pam to consistently find ways to move her body in a way that brings joy and safety. When the gyms re-opened, she tried working out with a mask but it only resulted in migraines and sickness, therefore leaving Pam with no other option than terminating her membership. After looking for other options or routines, Pam has come to the conclusion that a folding treadmill is the best option for her! A treadmill will allow her to move her body which will allow her to take care of her mind, body and spirit in the comfort of her own home. She would not have to worry about how to go for a run or walk during the cold winter days, or having to wear a mask to do so. It would mean so much to Pam to have this wish granted to help her get back on track with her health goals, and feeling safe while doing so!

Pamela is 42 years old and lives in NY

Pam's journey began in the Ivory Coast where she was born. Her father brought her to the States at the tender age of two. His dream was to provide better opportunities and for them and to live the "American Dream." At age six that dream was shattered when she started to experience both emotional and physical abuse in the household . The abuse was so bad she attempted suicide at age thirteen. At age sixteen the abuse in the household reached a climax. She felt her life was endangered so she left home and placed herself into the New York foster care system. Pam says, "Foster care literally saved my life. And I will always be grateful."

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Steven grants the wish for Pamela! Thanks Steven.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the One Simple Wish for Pamela.

Nikki sent an update on the wish for Pamela.

"Dear Steven, It means a lot that you choose to fill this wish for me. I am truly grateful for your generosity and giving heart. This gift will support me not only with my health goals but also provide peace, comfort and safety as I work towards my fitness goals. Peace of mind is a gift that is priceless (especially during these times we are currently living in ). From my heart to yours, thank you. -Pam"

Pamela receives the wish from Little Flower Children and Family Services of NY

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