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A Chromebook for Myosha who wants to finish her nursing degree

Posted Feb 18, 2022
Myosha was attending a nursing program before she became homeless and then the pandemic hit. Now, she is looking to go back to finish her nursing program. However, she doesn't have a laptop to help her with her studies. A laptop would really help her focus on school and get back on track!

Myosha is 30 years old and lives in CA

Myosha grew up with her grandmother and also in the foster care system. She grew up with 13 other siblings and since then has gone through many tough situations due to violence. Above this all, however, she was able to be the first graduate of high school in her family. Now she loves to do hair and is looking into getting back to school. She is very resilient individual who wants to succeed in life.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Myosha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Towards A Wish grants the wish for Myosha! Thanks *OSW Towards A Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Myosha.

Myosha receives the wish from Think of Us

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