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About This Wish

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A Laptop for Lorena so she can keep a connection with her brother

Posted May 30, 2022
Lorena is a typical teenager that loves to hang out with her friends and listen to music. Her biggest love is playing Minecraft and Roblox with her brother online. Unfortunately, there was a circumstance that no longer allows Lorena and her brother to live together. Lorena is requesting a laptop to help her keep the connection with her brother.

Lorena is 18 years old and lives in NJ

Lorena loves to hang out with her friends and talk to them over the phone. In her free time she loves to look at fashion and listen to music. She loves her brothers very much, and when they lived in the same home they played many games together.

The Wish Story

Division of Child Protection and Permanency requests this wish for Lorena.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Lorena! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hello Lorena! I hope you enjoy your gift! ☺️"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency for Lorena.

Lorena receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Hudson County

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