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About Colby

Colby is 19 years old and lives in NC

Colby has been in care for nearly two years. He was abandoned by his mother at 6 months and went into a guardianship situation. His guardian became too ill to care for him. Many counted Colby out, but I always saw a nice, sweet, boy who was hurt. He was never violent and often bullied. He came to his last foster home and his life has totally changed. He is the nice, sweet boy I saw. He has had no disciplinary issues at school and made the honor roll for the first time in his life. Colby has never had any outside interests until the last few months. He has become interested in drama and will be in his first play next month. Colby has discovered writing. He loves to read, especially fantasy and myths. He has begun to write his own myths. Having read one of his stories, they are a window to his soul and I think he is learning a lot about himself. His new foster home wants to adopt him.