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About Leah

Leah is 18 years old and lives in NC

Leah is a funny, smart, wise-beyond-her-years girl. Leah is athletic. Leah especially loves playing basketball with other children who go to the YMCA, and has made friends from summer camp who go there during the school year. Leah is very creative and excels at drawing. She has been through a LOT and has stayed tough through it all. Leah has a twin sister and is a 7th grader. Leah is sometimes very talkative, sometimes quiet and pensive – it just depends. When Leah has a chance to play sports at the YMCA, she “gets out of her head” and is able to just be a kid again. When Leah smiles, the whole world lights up. From what she has experienced in her own life, Leah wants to be a prosecutor when she grows up. When she grows up, Leah wants to stand up strong for other people.