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About Gregory Elementary School Youth

Gregory Elementary School Youth is 13 years old and lives in NJ

The Gregory Elementary School is a public school, in Trenton New Jersey. The Gregory Elementary School is in a high-crime, low-income neighborhood, where most of the children walk to school. Students are challenged by various family dynamics including; substance abuse, domestic violence, hunger, food and housing insecurity and unemployment. Students are impacted by chronic absenteeism and low reading and math scores which are compounded by behavioral issues and lack of parent engagement. Since 2014, CCFA has partnered with the Gregory School to deliver services and programs that engage parents as partners; inspire reading in students; support teachers; and build community and academic partnerships. Through its partnership with the Gregory School, CCFA addresses the fact that many parents and caregivers with limited education and low incomes have underdeveloped adaptive skills. CCFA Parent Partners and Gregory School Parents discuss methods to empower greater school attendance; impactful family routines; success with homework; improved nutrition; healthier self-esteem; and strategies for ensuring 30 minutes each day are dedicated to reading. CCFA also facilitates monthly family mentoring sessions in small groups at the Gregory School as a way to address goal setting, positive self-esteem, family values, routines, self-image, communication, skill building, vision board creation, journaling, navigating services for their child; effectively working with child welfare agencies, connecting to mental and behavioral health providers.

Gregory Elementary School Youth's GRANTED WISHES