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About Nyjeri

Nyjeri is 24 years old and lives in DE

Nyjeri has had a tough childhood. Unfortunately, Nyjeri’s biological mother recently passed away. Nyjeri’s biological father does not play an active role in his life. He has been through a lot of instability and lived in different homes throughout his young life. Nyjeri did not have a positive role model, and did not have enough activity to occupy his time. He struggled with doing well in school. Recently though, Nyjeri has been doing well in the current home he is in. Nyjeri has been working with the guidance counselor at his school, and is beginning to develop some friends in his classes. His outlook and behavior is beginning to significantly turn around. Nyjeri just tried out for the school play and was given an important role! After school now, he will spend the rest of the day at rehearsal practice.