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About Ariel

Ariel is 25 years old and lives in NJ

Ariel has been in foster care for 2 years. .She has one sibling the age of 16. She is very active in school and extra curricular activities. This year she achieved 1st place in the state for public speaking and 7th place in the nation. She is involved with Future Teachers of America. Ariel is currently a senior and has been accepted to Stockton College for this coming fall. Ariel wants to be a Biology or Geology teacher Ariel is a very energetic, respectful, and likeable young person who demonstrates consistent hard work and determination. Ariel is looking for a gravestone for her mom. Ariel’s mother passed away a year ago on March 20th. The gravesite has been without any kind of marker, aside from artificial flowers that she placed there. The cost of the grave stone is $3000. Ariel says her mom loved her with everything she had and the least she can do is give her a respectful marker. Ariel will be extremely appreciative of a One Simple Wish donation.