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About Persevere

Persevere is 26 years old and lives in CA

Persevere's favorite things to do are to skate, mediate, talk and laugh with others, meet new people, and to write poetry, songs, and skits. When asked, if you could give one piece of advice to someone in the system now, what would it be, Persevere stated: "Whether you are currently where you want to be or not, you have an amazing journey before you. Be optimistic about your situation so that you may see the opportunity for growth and greatness. Our situation may be tough, so let them encourage you to feel better and keep pushing forward. No one is flawless, not us, not our families, that is the way of earth life. However, we can learn from each other and strive to improve ourselves. Your destiny is awesome, but it is up to you to live it out." When asked what do you think the foster care system taught you? Persevere stated, "I appreciate my family, and I could utilize our tough moments as an opportunity to spiritually grow. There are resources to help me move forward, though it's up to me to do my part to achieve them. Even though my staff, guardians or caregivers may help, I had to rely on myself to advocate for most of my needs and wants. I went through many tribulations, but I was not alone, I did it through God's grace, even when I was not aware."