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About Garrett

Garrett is 23 years old and lives in NJ

Garrett is 16 y/o Severely Autistic boy in the 11th grade( but on 3rd grade level), he loves to play with wrestling figures, video games and the computer. Garrett is diagnosed with Autism (severe), which has caused him to not to have much if any social skills and friends. Garrett enjoys helping others, including his sister with getting things that are high up in a closet, peers in his classroom, but since his move to the new school he has struggled, but is hopeful things will get better and he will be able to fit in, by learning to use his IPAD at home. Garrett feels the schools introduction has also gave him the ability to be able to get an education and be able to perfect the IPAD., outburst, lack of social skills, but she has found the one area that allows her to do that. Garrett is at his best when he feels he can accomplish what others around him are accomplishing.