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About Harmonii

Harmonii is 20 years old and lives in OH

Harmonii is receiving mental health services through CHOICES. She is working with her therapist to better communicate with her father, do better at school and a few other personal goals. She is a typical teen girl who likes to get her nails done, go shopping and hang out with her friends. She is excited about the upcoming homecoming dance and plans to attend with some friends. This is pretty big for Harmonii, as in the past she has shyed away from social situations. School previously caused her a lot of anxiety, and she often would not attend. Harmonii thought being homeschooled would be th answer. However, she went forward with starting high school and hasn't mentioned homeschooling since the new school year started. She speaks of new friends she has made and other friendships she has maintained from middle school. So far this year she has had no absences!